Office Manager in Florence
- Born in Schwerin, Germany;
- Diploma at the secondary school in Brüel, Germany;
- Language Diploma;
- Expat since 2003, Ulrike made her dream come true and lived since then happily with her husband and three kids in Florence;
- Completed two apprenticeships (in Germany and Italy);
- Professional “Just-Dance” player who loves challenging her kids to beat her high score;
- Passionate about her family, salsa dancing, sports, reading till late night, Arts, drawing, a lifetime-learner;
- Her motto: “You can’t fix a yesterday but you can create a tomorrow”;
- What they say about Ulrike: warm-hearted/empathic, enthusiastic, caring family woman, some call her HULK-rike 😉;
- Front/Back Office manager, assistant to didact coordinator at Europass Italian Language School since 2006.