Lynda Stella Lattke

Teacher Trainer in Florence

  • Born and raised in Houston, Texas, (USA), Cali (Colombia), and Caracas (Venezuela). Currently living in Turin (northern Italy);
  • BA in Urban Anthropology (University of Massachusetts-Boston);
  • Master of Public Health with a focus on international health and child/maternal health (Boston University);
  • PhD in Psychological, Anthropological, and Education Sciences with a focus on developmental Psychology/Social and Emotional Learning (University of Turin, Italy);
  • Consultant for SEL implementation in schools, including training on well-being for teachers, parents, and students;
  • Health counselor and educator in schools and clinics (USA, UK, Niger and Italy);
  • Intercultural companion for Migrantour in Turin;
  • Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (Niger);
  • Teacher trainer at Europass since 2024.