Teacher Trainer in Berlin
- Born in Catania, Italy;
- BA in Modern Literature, University of Catania;
- MA in Modern Philology, University of Catania;
- CEDILS (Certification of Competence in Teaching Italian), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice;
- PGCE in Humanities, University of Catania;
- PhD and Doctor Europaeus in Literature and Education (19th-20th century), University of Palermo-University of Oxford. Research interests: writers-teachers, literary representations of teachers, didactics of literature, school archives;
- DARIAH-EU Fellowship, European Summer Universities in Digital Humanities 2021 and 2022, University of Leipzig;
- Italian as a Second/Foreign Language Teacher since 2007;
- Fields of expertise: writing skills, language learning, educational technology, digital humanities, sociology, and history of the teaching profession;
- Teacher Trainer at Europass since 2022.