Before dealing with the central topic of this article: how teachers can improve their performance in the classroom, it may prove useful to define first a fundamental concept: teacher performance.
What does “teacher performance” mean?
Nowadays, teachers need to continuously improve themselves professionally in order to keep abreast of the latest trends, teaching approaches, and techniques in the education field.
Definitely, keeping up-to-date and relevant is key to address adequately students’ learning needs and helping them reach successfully their full potential.
We use the term teacher performance to define the observable outcomes in the classroom of this training and development or lack of it. That is, it is the set of actions, attitudes, and behaviors in the teaching-learning environment that results in achieving educational goals for students.
Simply put, what a teacher does, or does not do, in the classroom impacts hugely on how effectively students advance in their learning process. Therefore, we cannot stress enough the immense influence that a teacher’s performance has on students’ academic success or failure.
The assessment of teacher performance
Determining the best method to accurately assess a teacher’s performance remains a hotly debated issue among educators. Indeed, measuring a teacher’s effectiveness is an extremely complex task. It involves many factors and variables that may vary according to:
- Who the assessor is;
- How the teaching-learning environment is;
- What the teacher’s methods and resources are like;
- What the students’ characteristics and traits are.
However, at risk of being simplistic, we could evaluate the impact of a teacher’s performance on students’ learning according to three main variables:
- Test scores or academic achievement;
- Observed pedagogical practices;
- Surveys (students and staff).
Once we analyze the data collected from the assessment, we can reflect on the results and draw practical conclusions. Then, we can decide on which changes, modifications or adjustments are necessary for teachers to improve their performance in the classroom.
What makes an effective teacher?

As we have seen previously, a teacher with a high degree of effectiveness is conducive to obtaining successful academic outcomes.
However, which traits do teachers who adeptly achieve the desired learning objectives commonly share? Which are the characteristics that students respond positively to?
1 – Be positive
A positive attitude about teaching and students themselves is key to keeping them engaged and focused. Also, being enthusiastic about your subject matter motivates students to wish to learn what is interesting about it.
Usually, if a teacher shows commitment and keenness, students do the same in return. Certainly, fostering a positive and healthy environment is hugely beneficial for the adequate development of the teaching-learning process.
Have a look at our teacher training courses if you wish to discover more about how to create a positive school environment.
2 – Be patient
Try to walk in your students’ shoes and remember that learning requires hard work. Let them know that mistakes are part of the process and they should not worry if they don’t get it right at first.
Take into account that students need time to assimilate new information, so don’t blame them when they get something wrong. Give them time to fully understand, and if they don’t, find new approaches to reach them more effectively.
3 – Be clear
Keep the message simple and clear even if the subject matter is complex. Do not forget that those ideas and concepts are new to students, so do your best to help them to get familiar with this information.
Make use of visual aids, like presentations, charts, diagrams, or other interactive online resources. They allow students to grasp the concepts more easily without an overwhelming feeling.
Also, most importantly, determine from the start:
- The learning goals;
- How to achieve them;
- What we expect from students;
- The evaluation criteria they have to meet.
In addition to that, it is fundamental to provide students with feedback, so they know how they are doing and what they need to improve during the learning process.
4 – Be innovative
Being inventive in the classroom goes a long way toward keeping students on task and focused. Discover innovative teaching methods that fit your students’ learning needs.
Also, try to find creative resources that ensure the best learning experience possible. Fun and imaginative lessons never fail to capture students’ attention.
5 – Be flexible
An efficient teacher knows how to adapt to every student’s learning needs. Using only one teaching method is counterproductive since it might not work well for everyone.
Addressing students’ individual needs is key in order to give everyone the opportunity to achieve academic success.
6 – Be a motivator
As a motivator, a teacher must provide encouragement and stimulation for learning. Fostering an atmosphere of active participation inspires students to become more engaged and interested in the subject matter.
Moreover, a motivating educator promotes self-confidence along with a goal-oriented behavior that will result eventually in academic success.
7 – Be approachable
Being approachable and easy to talk to helps break down communication barriers between an educator and their students.
Creating a meaningful connection to pupils’ results in the elimination of hierarchies that might hinder the effectiveness of the teaching-learning process.
Certainly, teachers will be able to address problems more accurately when students have the confidence to express freely their questions, doubts, and concerns.
8 – Show your love for teaching
When a teacher loves what they do it clearly shows in the classroom dynamics. As a role model that sets the tone for the class, a teacher’s attitude will reflect on their students’.
If you show a gloomy disposition or a demotivated, uninterested behavior, don’t expect your students to feel motivated themselves.
The contrary will happen if you spread positive energy. Students will feel inspired and get the most of what you are teaching them because enthusiasm can be very contagious.
To create a positive learning environment, we must leave negative qualities outside the classroom. Lessons will be more efficient if teachers promote positive, active participation. Thus, students will be on task and motivated while engaging in compelling learning activities.
Surely, an educator who shows their love of teaching will always obtain a better response from students. Showing care for what they are learning goes a long way towards achieving academic goals.
Are you interested in learning more about this topic? Check out our course on how teachers can rediscover their motivation and energy.
9 – Admit mistakes
Admit it when you are wrong and set an example for your students. Tolerance and understanding towards one’s mistakes and others’ fosters a more empathic learning environment. Therefore, students will be no longer afraid of getting things wrong and will participate more actively.
Promoting a natural attitude towards mistakes allows students to learn from them in a practical way and move on without a crippling sense of failure.
Furthermore, when students point out errors, omissions, or inaccuracies, be quick to make adjustments, correct what is necessary and go on with the lesson naturally. That way, students see that we must handle and rectify mistakes to continue effectively with the learning process.
9 Ways to improve teachers’ performance

1- Knowledge of the subject matter
It refers to the actual contents or amount of information that an educator is expected to teach to their students. However, though a teacher must have a deep understanding of the subject matter, there is more to it than accumulating knowledge and transfering it to students.
What should a teacher do to assist students to achieve high learning outcomes?
- Master the structure of the particular subject matter they are imparting: facts, theories, principles, concepts, procedures, rules, etc;
- Deeply understand their ultimate purposes, that is, why they have to be taught and what for;
- Understand the subject matter from multiple perspectives. Then, see how concepts and ideas connect among them, to everyday life and to other subject matters.
- Determine how this knowledge apply to a multitude of contexts, in order to understand what works for what purposes and in what situations.
- Transform this knowledge into the most useful forms of presenting and communicating it, so that it is accessible to students. A teacher should adapt the material to the characteristics of their students. Also, they should find diverse methods to help learners relate ideas and fully grasp the new information.
Rich vs less subject matter knowledge
Generally, we can observe a distinct difference between teachers who have a rich subject matter knowledge and less knowledgeable ones. The former has a tendency to focus on the connections among ideas and how organize them. They also use problem solving and inquiry in order to go deeper into content.
The latter tend to emphasize isolated facts, procedures and rules, strictly following a textbook and without deviating from the learning plan, thus failing to focus on important ideas and their connection to others.
Certainly, subject matter knowledge is essential when it comes to promoting student understanding and significant learning. To help learners understand concepts and apply them in varied contexts, teachers are required to know more than isolated facts, concepts, and procedures.
Most importantly, to make ideas explicit in ways that are accessible, they must also know how ideas connect with one another and to other subject matters.
2- Lesson planning

A lesson plan is a detailed description of:
- What students need to learn;
- How it will be done;
- What are the specific goals;
- How to assess those goals.
That is, it identifies the course of actions that the teacher will take to help learners reach their academic objectives. Moreover, a lesson plan helps teachers organize content, materials, activities, strategies, and time.
Well-planned lessons are conducive to well-run classrooms and consequently, a successful teaching-learning process. Failure to plan a lesson usually leads to disorganization and improvisation, which results in a loss of focus and interest.
Conversely, students respond positively to well-prepared teachers by feeling respect for them and staying on task. Generally, preparing lessons in advance allows teachers to feel more confident and in control. Once they have thoroughly established all the steps to follow and anticipated potential student struggles, they feel free to do their best.
Benefits of lesson planning
As a result of thoughtful lesson planning, teachers are less stressed, behave confidently, and are able to manage the room more effectively because they are ready for anything that might come up.
Furthermore, lesson planning provides an outline of classroom learning objectives and expectations. This way, students always know what they will learn and how that knowledge and skills will be assessed.
Having clear-cut learning goals help evaluate whether students are on track or not. For that reason, lesson planning incorporates ongoing assessments to determine whether students are making progress as expected.
Then, according to the results of the evaluations, teachers can make adjustments, changes, or modifications to cater to students’ needs more efficiently.
Certainly, lesson planning is at the core of successful teaching. A well-planned lesson and a well-prepared teacher are a guarantee of the eventual accomplishment of learning objectives.
3- Student / Teacher relationship

Learning is a two-way process. While students learn a particular subject from their teacher, teachers observe how students respond to their didactic methods. This way they learn if their teaching skills need improvement.
Therefore, we can logically infer that an effective learning environment is where both students and teachers learn from each other and together successfully achieve academic goals.
How can we create an effective learning environment?
The student-teacher relationship is the foundation on which an effective learning environment is built.
A positive, powerful relationship with students involves good communication, trust, mentoring, and effective classroom management. All these factors are key in order to creating a strong learning atmosphere in the classroom.
1 – Good communication
Fostering good communication on the classroom helps get to know better your students and create a true personal connection. Educators should know their students’ personal traits, interests and learning styles. Only then they will be able to understand their problems, interact better with them, and adapt their teaching methods to their learning needs in order to help them succeed.
2 – Trust
Moreover, making students the center of the teaching-learning process promotes the creation of an open, safe learning environment. When a teacher focuses on trust, active listening and problem-solving, students feel cared for and therefore, a love of learning grows within them.
Consequently, a classroom where students feel supported tends to be more open and communicative. They participate actively and feel safe to express their opinions, thoughts, doubts or concerns because all contributions are equally respected.
Also, fear of ridicule is drastically reduced if they are confident to ask any question without being criticized or disrespected by either their teacher or their classmates.
3 – Mentoring
Establishing yourself as a mentor certainly plays a crucial role in the improvement of students’ engagement and motivation. Genuine interest and willingness to help them through difficulties trigger self-motivation to work harder and make the teacher proud.
Similarly, they respond with a driven, engaged attitude to accomplish more when they are supported and given the confidence to achieve the highest goals.
As we have seen, building a strong rapport with students strengthens a classroom climate where the cornerstone is progressed through effort. In such an environment, a teacher can always demand more from their students and lead them toward reaching their full potential.
4 – Classroom management
Last but not least, a strong student-teacher relationship is also a powerful tool when it comes to classroom management. Students are more receptive and productive if assisted by a committed teacher who will go above and beyond to help them succeed.
When an educator has a positive impact on their students, they are highly likely to show respect and trust. As a result, they will engage in learning, behave properly and feel motivated to achieve their academic goals.
For instance, students with inappropriate behavior, or downright disruptive, might improve, and even change, if the teacher makes the effort to work with them.
The same can be said of struggling students, when given the specific help they need, they can be capable of improving significantly their classroom performance.
4- Adequate tools and resources

Teaching-learning tools, resources, and materials are the means used by teachers to present the knowledge and skills that must be acquired in order to reach academic goals.
The purpose of these teaching aids is to facilitate the adequate development of the teaching-learning process.
They are available in many forms: books, textbooks, workbooks, worksheets, audio-visual aids, webs, online apps and tools, multimedia materials, (online) libraries, learning communities, online platforms, etc.
Consequently, the possibilities are so vast that teachers must be thorough and careful when selecting which they are going to use.
How should learning materials, tools and sources be?
Being a direct source of learning experiences, they must have certain characteristics in order to achieve successfully their didactic purpose:
- Make the teaching-learning process engaging and attractive;
- Promote active learning;
- Cater for students’ diversity and learning styles;
- Expand students’ learning experiences;
- Foster students’ autonomy and help them construct knowledge for themselves;
- Help students develop learning strategies;
- Enable teachers to present knowledge and skills clearly and easily.
Therefore, assessing and selecting appropriate tools, materials, and resources is essential. This way we facilitate to achieve effective learning and increase significantly students’ academic accomplishments.
However, they only will achieve their instructional purpose if they are:
- Up-to-date;
- Relevant;
- Precise;
- Well-structured;
- Aligned with students’ needs;
- Oriented to obtain particular learning goals.
5- Collaboration with colleagues

Arguably, the most practical way a teacher can improve their performance in the classroom is by collaborating with other teachers. Who better to learn from than a teacher colleague?
The ultimate purpose of the collaboration is to work together to increase student learning and academic accomplishment. Certainly, collaborating has a highly positive effect on teachers’ performance and, therefore, impacts greatly on students’ optimum progress.
Collaboration must be an ongoing process that continually aims to enhance teachers’ skills. The objective is always to provide students with quality learning experiences that will lead them to the desired academic success.
How can educators enrich their teaching practice?
1 – Sharing best practices and expertise
It allows teachers to have productive conversations where they exchange ideas, resources, strategies, and methods. By networking, teachers interact with each other, spread good ideas which open up new perspectives and discuss the most effective ways to improve their craft.
2 – Peer observation
It is a rich source from which to draw conclusions about the efficacy of our own way to deliver instruction. Observing how teacher colleagues manage their classrooms and present learning materials is a highly effective way to learn. Also, it hugely helps to find out what connects better with students from a delivery point of view.
Moreover, teachers can actually focus on student-teacher interaction and discover successful strategies to pull the class into the lesson and keep them engaged.
Each colleague’s way of teaching is a new territory to be explored and analyzed. It allows reflecting on our own teaching methods from different standpoints. Then, the conclusions of this reflection will be the tools with which educators will work towards the honing of their skills.
3 – Learning communities
Nowadays, social networks, and new technologies in general, make it easier for teachers to interact with each other frequently and comfortably. Learning communities, for instance, are immensely helpful in providing teachers with the appropriate environment where they can:
- Share each other’s experiences;
- Debate about controversial issues;
- Help each other solve problems;
- Give and receive support, advice and guidance on classroom management;
- Help each other overcome weaknesses and benefit from each other’s strengths;
- Use each other’s experiences to take effective decisions.
- Learn how to challenge themselves by diversifying and trying new ideas in the classroom.
Definitely, engaging with colleagues for discussing the best pedagogies and give each other feedback is an activity that goes a long way towards the improvement of teacher performance.
Frequent collaboration among educators helps boost the use of innovative teaching practices that results in a higher level of efficacy in the classroom.
6- Feedback

Feedback is the information given to students or teachers about their performance in relation to the learning objectives. The purpose of giving and receiving feedback is the enhancement of both teachers’ efficacy and students’ learning.
Therefore, effective feedback is two-way communication. Teachers must provide students with the necessary guidance and the appropriate tools. Then, they can modify their learning strategies and correct mistakes in order to succeed in the learning process.
In turn, students must inform their teachers accurately about their learning needs and struggles. That way the teacher can clearly understand how their learning process is developing and cater to their individual areas of improvement.
Ideally, feedback should be a dialogue between teacher and students and not a perfunctory exchange of information. Students should take an active part in the assessment of their work so that they can reflect on their own learning process.
Thus, they will feel directly involved in the decisions taken to help them achieve the learning goals and also feel encouraged to focus and do what is required.
Similarly, teachers can gain insight into their classroom performance from the invaluable information provided by students’ constructive feedback. Thus, educators are able to identify their weaknesses and strengths and determine whether the strategies and methods used are effective or not.
What is good feedback?
For feedback to be actually useful and efficient it needs to be clear on three aspects:
- Pinpoint the rights and wrongs and the reasons why;
- Determine the areas of improvement and explain why;
- Describe the course of action planned to improve the students’ learning process.
Furthermore, good feedback should be:
- Shared at a time when it can be acted upon;
- Appropriate to each student’s circumstances and coherent with their learning needs;
- Understandable and concise, so that students do not feel overwhelmed;
- Filled with practical information which actually can help improve the students’ learning experience.
Constructive feedback must provide the means so that both teachers and students can work together towards the accomplishment of a successful teaching-learning process.
And most importantly, should lead to a healthy and open learning environment where students feel cared for and motivated to give their best and achieve their full potential.
7- High standards and expectations

First, let’s clarify the difference between standards and expectations in education.
On one hand, the standard is the level of achievement or quality that a teacher establishes as acceptable for their students. That is, it is the measure that we set students’ work against in order to accurately assess it.
On the other hand, the expectation is the teacher’s strong personal belief that students will achieve, and even surpass, that standard (high expectations); or, on the contrary, that they will not be able to reach it (low expectations).
In education, it is generally acknowledged that having high standards and expectations fosters students’ success and personal well-being. Having a teacher that believes in their abilities affects positively their self-esteem, confidence, and motivation, which, in turn, are closely linked to effective learning and accomplishment.
In addition to that, students’ academic progress can be heavily influenced by the learning environment in which it develops. Certainly, there can exist a dramatic variation in a student’s performance depending on the classroom culture created by the teacher.
How to create a classroom culture based on high standards and expectations
How can a teacher promote this kind of classroom culture? Let’s have a look at some useful tips:
- Foster a culture of hard work where there is a focus on effort and not on results;
- Give confidence to students. Assure them they are capable of reaching their full potential if they put the effort in;
- Praise students and reward effort when they are really trying hard to do their best; positive reinforcement should be proportionate to the accomplishment. It should be given only moderately since it can lose effect if given any time a student gets something right;
- Give students the chance to contribute and get involved in the development of their learning; they should have the opportunity to express what they know, discuss ideas and communicate openly their doubts and concerns;
- Determine from the start what the standards are and what is expected of them. Having clear goals and a set of expectations on themselves can motivate them to try hard and strive to achieve their best;
- Insist that you expect the best out of students and that they live up to the standards you know they are capable of. Reinforce the idea that they are perfectly competent to achieve success;
- Be consistent with expectations and never lower them or relax your standards; do not accept work that is below what is expected of them and insists that it is only acceptable to present quality work;
- Provide specific, detailed feedback. Vague statements are not helpful and do not prompt students to do better, they need to know exactly what needs improvement in order to further develop their learning.
8- Self-reflection

“We do not learn from experience…we learn from reflecting on experience.”- John Dewey
A teacher’s ability to reflect on their classroom practice is fundamental for the continuous improvement of their skills. However, we usually have a tendency to stick to our old ways and forget about challenging ourselves and trying new strategies in the classroom.
This stagnant situation most probably will result in both the teacher’s detachment from their work’s actual purpose and the students’ eventual demotivation.
In order to avoid becoming obsolete and therefore, boost effectiveness, teachers should stand back and view their classroom performance objectively. Then, educators should ask themselves if they are doing their best to support students’ learning experiences.
Thus, through self-reflection, they will be able to identify, bring into question and evaluate their basic assumptions, values, and perspectives about their way of teaching and, therefore make the necessary changes or adjustments.
What are the most relevant issues for reflection?
1 – Students’ needs
Reflecting on the classroom experience is a great tool to help teachers become aware of aspects of their methodology that are effective or that do not fit students’ learning needs. That is, the ultimate purpose of self-reflection is to better understand students’ needs and find the most effective method to meet them.
2 – Past mistakes
Thinking honestly about the way events were handled in the past and comparing it to how we would handle them now is a very practical way for educators to realize if their teaching skills have evolved positively.
Moreover, taking the time to analyze past mistakes allows them to identify areas of growth and guide future decision-making which will directly have an impact on the adequate progress of the teaching-learning process.
3 – Strengths
Similarly, teachers can recognize their strengths and then capitalize on them. Definitely, finding that a particular method or strategy is working effectively can boost their self-esteem and motivate them to keep on working and give the best of themselves.
4 – Teacher-student relationship
The way an educator behaves within the learning environment is also an important aspect of teaching to reflect on. Observing and evaluating teacher-students rapport help determine whether the knowledge about their pupils’ learning styles and interests is deep enough or if the personal connection with them has been effectively established.
In a nutshell, teachers should respond to these questions: are we paying enough attention to our students? Are we putting them first?
5 – Materials and resources
In addition to that, educators should reflect on the learning materials and resources provided to facilitate students’ learning process. In order to prove effective, they should be updated, relevant, and adapted to students’ learning styles.
Teachers can find out if they have been adequately selected by observing how students respond to them (engaged, uninterested, or confused) and whether the learning goal has been successfully achieved.
In conclusion, self-reflection is all about finding out what is not working in the classroom so that we can plan and implement the necessary changes and adjustments.
Although it is a process that most teachers do naturally (privately or with colleagues), in order for it to be actually effective, it needs consistency, commitment, and hard work.
Self-development is a lifelong task and self-reflection is only the first step. Even the most effective teachers admit that no matter how much we hone our skills there is always room for improvement!
9- Risk-taking

As the saying goes, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained”.
Risk-taking is usually, along with innovation and creativity, at the core of the most ground-breaking teaching methodologies.
Definitely, if we pay attention to history, we realize that actual significant advancements have only been achieved when deep-rooted social conventions, established laws, or absolutist power has been challenged and subsequently defeated.
During the last decades, education has undergone a remarkable process of openness and diversification. This has caused the most rigid, outdated educational practices to be thrown aside by innovative brand-new methods, trends, strategies, and techniques that address the current issues.
Progress comes with change
Nowadays, teachers have at their disposal a wide range of educational aids, methods, strategies, and techniques to assist them in providing students with the best learning experience possible.
However, some educators tend to choose the approach with which they feel more comfortable because it fits their personality and their way of teaching. Even if that approach does not meet the needs of all their students, they stick to their old ways since they cannot see themselves doing it differently.
As we said before, without change there is no progress. So, if a teacher really wishes to improve their performance in the classroom, they must be willing to take risks and try new things that may require them to step out of their comfort zone.
The reward comes when those risks bring about positive outcomes. That is, they have helped students effectively reach their learning goals, and consequently, both teachers and students feel encouraged to keep exploring new ideas and possibilities. That way, they progressively create together a risk-taking culture that will be conducive to a richer learning environment.
Naturally, sometimes taking risks does not lead to the results desired, but when it does, it is really worth the effort.
Learning from failure
Nonetheless, failure is also a great source of learning. Fostering a supportive classroom environment where students feel safe to make mistakes, inspires them to keep on experimenting and persisting if they fail. Moreover, learning that failure and its repercussions are fixable helps them build resilience and confidence that prepare them to succeed in life.
In addition to that, when a teacher takes the risk to try something different, they are promoting both the development of new skills in students and their discovery of new interests or passions which contribute to their personal and academic growth.
Of course, teachers can derive benefits from risk-taking as well. The Implementation of new methods or techniques that they do not feel comfortable with will help them face fears of failure and overcome them by creating innovative solutions.
Moreover, seeing that their efforts pay off may increase their self-esteem and revitalize their passion for the profession.
Eventually, a risk-taking classroom dynamic will empower teachers and students to take the path less traveled and think outside the box.
But not only that. Taking unconventional courses of action in the classroom helps students acquire the adequate tools to develop problem-solving and decision-making skills, which they will surely need in adult life.
In this article, we have presented a comprehensive overview of how teachers can improve their performance in the classroom. We consider this a crucial issue within the education system since teachers bear a great deal of responsibility for the students’ well-being and successful learning experience.
So much so, that we could safely affirm that students’ future highly depends on the quality of educators’ classroom performance. For that reason, teachers must always be alert and thoroughly prepared to deal with classroom management and address students’ learning needs effectively.
As we have clearly seen, teacher performance and student outcomes are intimately related. Therefore, the quality of teaching must be constantly enhanced in order to provide students with the best learning experience possible and help them achieve their academic goals successfully.
What is your take on how to improve your teachers’ performance? Leave your thoughts and experiences in the comments section!
Very very inspiring materials. Please keep them coming about how best we can mould our pupils. I’m so much blessed by your information and I believe it gonna cause a change and great impact to my students.
Thanks, Patrick! We are glad you enjoyed the article. Please join our newsletter if you want to be notified about future articles:
Have a nice day,
Thanks for the reply. Please give me direction on how to sign in
Hi, Patrick, please fill in the form at the end of the page [] with your name and email and you will be in! =)
Hello Andrea, I liked very much the article because the information you shared is clear, it goes straight to the point and I also consider that it is going to be very easy to be put into practice. Thank you so much!
Thank you very much, Paula!
I have liked the article
thanks for the information in this article as a leader in my school which teaches Primary Kindergarten through 8th grade absolutely this article gave me much information about ways to improve teacher’s performance and teach for understanding
from the Pacific Islanders thanks so much very much appreciated
Very well articulated.
Thank you Andrea will share this with several teachers.
Hello Andrea!
Thank you for such a rich , straight to the point information .
I believe it’s going to make a huge impact on our teachers performances.
May you continue to impact many.
Why are there only white people included in the photos? Why are there primarily only white females?
Dear Cynthia,
Thank you for bringing up the question regarding ethnicity and gender representation in our photos. We always strive to be inclusive and representative of diverse communities.
Please consider we are based in Europe only, an area where more than 90% of primary and secondary teachers are women.
Considering this and that we mainly refer to a USA-based photo library, it is worth noting that black teachers are actually over-represented in our photos (within the whole website and not this only blog post) compared to the European region where we operate.
Thank you for sharing this insightful article on improving teacher performance. It’s evident that enhancing teaching quality is not just beneficial for educators but also for students and the entire education system. The strategies and tips presented here are invaluable for educators seeking to excel in their profession. Continuous professional development is indeed the key to success in any field, and this article reinforces the importance of ongoing growth and improvement for teachers. Great read!
thanks so much, I have learned so many things I didn’t know.
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Creating engaging and approachable writing is akin to extending a warm invitation and kindling interest effortlessly
Your appreciation means a lot! It’s like putting together a puzzle—finding the perfect word is like finding that missing piece that completes the picture of your writing. Keep practicing, and you’ll definitely see progress!
The article is educative. I hope to improve myself